Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just Do It!

This past week I attended a wonderful panel discussion at ADAC, the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center, about blogging. The women on the panel (Sherry Hart of Design Indulgence, Kristi Holcombe of Charm Home, Erika Ward of Blu Label Bungalow, Claire Watkins of High Gloss Blue, Helen Young of White Haven Interiors, led by Wendy Shannon of With a Southern Twist ) are all amazing designers who also happen to have very successful design blogs.
Their insight and advice was invaluable, but the main take away for me was to "just do it"!
For the last two months or so I have been thinking, discussing, brainstorming, and contemplating what to say on this blog. Obviously I am an over-thinker, which is probably why our social media world scares me a little bit. It's not that I do not have anything to say (yes those of you who know me can stop laughing now - I know that I rarely keep my mouth shut!), but it is the thought of sending out something into this universe that might not be completely polished and perfect. It is a little counterintuitive to what I am expected to do in my profession.
So, I am just going to get over my fears because I want to share with you all of the beautiful things I am so fortunate to encounter through my career. I realize that some of you out there are staring out onto a sea of gray cubicle walls and could use a little dose of beauty. Our world offers so many opportunities to be inspired and I want to share with you what inspires me. I hope you will join me in this journey.

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